Brazilian dimensional embroidery

Brazilian dimensional embroidery

Brazilian dimensional embroidery

The art of Brazilian embroidery

I have been drooling over Edmar kits for a while, but found them very hard to come by in the UK. So I have imported some. They are expensive – mainly because of the import costs – so I decided to see if they are worth it.

I have a go at a simple (level 1) Edmar kit

I have chosen one of their level 1 kits to have a close look at and attempt to complete. I know someone who is working on the fabulous Primavera kit (level 4) and am lucky enought to be receiving progress photos – its just stunning . My skills are of a rather lower order!

Three Jasmines in yellow 1223-073ed

Firstly, here are a few images of the kit opened

Having had a little practice I started the actual kit.

The instructions say to start with the leaves and to complete them as neatly as possible. No pressure then.

Following instructions

1st leaf complete

I’m pleased with that!

All three leaves

Next is stem stitch with a different thread but the same needle. This thread is thinner and more tightly twisted.

Not massively impressed with my efforts here . I am doing stem stitch but it looks like a wobbly line.

Never mind, I hope to do better in the next installment ….

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