Brazilian dimensional embroidery part 2


Brazilian dimensional embroidery part 2

The three jasmines kit

Continuing from the previous post I have now completed the stem stitch – still doesn’t look like stem stitch to me, but it will do.

Next is couching in a paler green for the branches.

Now for the scary bit and some very careful instruction following.

Bullion and cast on stitches are new to me but I found the instructions clear and precise. Here’s the results

1st ever bullion stitch with 16 wraps

Er it seems to have worked

second half of the first flower – it will look better when more is added, surely

Second scary new stitch. Cast on stitch with 16 cast ons

Golly that worked

Ok so it doesn’t look like the manufacturers picture, but not too bad for a first attempt.

All three flowers completed

On to another new stitch – pistil stitch to make flower stamens

It’s a french knot with a long tail.

I think that looks very effective

3rd and final part will be along very soon

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