Elizabeth Rocca


Brazilian dimensional embroidery

Brazilian dimensional embroidery

The art of Brazilian embroidery I have been drooling over Edmar kits for a while, but found them very hard to come by in the UK. So I have imported some. They are expensive – mainly because of the import costs – so I decided to see if they are worth it. I have a
Sashiko coaster kit

Sashiko coaster kit

Sashiko coaster kit try out I will be having a look at this coaster kit by Hara Wool. And of course completing it. These are not traditional sashiko patterns ( I will show some of these next) but a modern twist on the genre.   As you can see the kit contains a needle, two

Brazilian dimensional embroidery part 3

With the bullion knots added and tucked under the petals. The instructions said 1 knot to form the calyx but the image showed two so I copied that I think i may have already added the fine growth for the next step – oops. So there’s a paler green for this so I added some

Brazilian dimensional embroidery part 2

The three jasmines kit Continuing from the previous post I have now completed the stem stitch – still doesn’t look like stem stitch to me, but it will do. Next is couching in a paler green for the branches. Now for the scary bit and some very careful instruction following. Bullion and cast on stitches

Needle Felting Walkthrough

Needle Felting Walkthrough – Bears Welcome to the Elizabeth Rocca blog! In this blog we’re going to be walking you through Felt Creative’s needle-felt bear kit! This kit makes 2 adorable bears (and you can make them as small or as chonky as you like!) In the organza bag you will find: wool, yarn, two

The Elizabeth Rocca Blog

Or as we know it – fun with craft kits. We will be ‘having a go’ and show you the results good or bad here
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